Friday, November 29, 2019

Pain In The Ass Essays - DraftZamore Et Mirza,

Pain In The Ass Les personnages sans nom (la M?nag?re, la Serveuse, l'Epicier...) permettent d'inscrire l'intrigue dans le cadre d'une r?alit? anonyme ; Les noms d'animaux (Monsieur Papillon, Madame Boeuf, Dudard) sont ceux de personnages s?rieux, dont le patronyme ?voque ironiquement l'animalit? ; Les noms propres cod?s qui contiennent un jeu de mot r?v?lateur : Jean : incarnation du conformiste, il repr?sente les gens, le on indiff?renci? ; B?renger : c'est l'homme en proie ? l'angoisse, celui qui est d?rang?; Daisy : image de la femme, du d?sir ; Botard : l'esprit sceptique deviendra un militant, comme l'annoncent des lettres du mot botte dans son nom ; Les animaux : le chat repr?sente les minorit?s, premi?res victimes de toute dictature, les rhinoc?ros sont la masse uniforme qui ?crase. Elle se r?v?le bient?t compos?e d'?tres humains qui ont renonc? ? l'apparence humaine et ? la libert? d'esprit. Chacun des personnages a un rapport particulier avec la parole. Monsieur Papillon, le Logicien, Jean et Botard expriment des v?rit?s g?n?ralement creuses. Le Vieux Monsieur, Daisy, B?renger et la M?nag?re traduisent par leur discours une certaine volont? de communiquer, ? rester dans le monde humain. Le personnage principal semble ?tre B?renger, l'anti-h?ros, homme inadapt? ? tout ordre (il est alcoolique et paresseux), se diff?renciant des autres dans l'utilisation du langage. Cependant, au vu du titre et de l'importance des rhinoc?ros, on peut penser que ce sont eux qui d?tiennent le premier r?le dans la pi?ce. Legal Issues

Monday, November 25, 2019

Composing With an Implied Audience in Mind

Composing With an Implied Audience in Mind Definition The term implied audience applies to readers or listeners imagined by a writer or speaker before and during the composition of a text. Also known as a  textual audience, an implied reader, an implied auditor, and a fictional audience. According to Chaim Perelman and L. Olbrechts-Tyteca in Rhetorique et Philosophie (1952), the writer predicts this audiences probable response to and understanding of a text. Related to the concept of implied audience is the second persona. See Examples and Observations below. See also: AudienceAudience Analysis  and  Audience Analysis ChecklistAdaptationEssayImplied AuthorNew RhetoricPersonaReading Examples and Observations Just as the speaker need not be, and usually is not, identical with the author, so the implied audience is an element of the poem itself and does not necessarily coincide with a given chance reader.(Rebecca Price Parkin, Alexander Popes Use of the Implied Dramatic Speaker. College English, 1949)Just as we distinguish between a real rhetor and rhetorical persona, we also can distinguish between a real audience and an implied audience. The implied audience (like the rhetorical persona) is fictive because it is created by the text and exists only inside the symbolic world of the text.(Ann M. Gill and Karen Whedbee, Rhetoric. Discourse as Structure and Process, ed. by Teun A. van Dijk. Sage, 1997)[T]exts not only address concrete, historically situated audiences; they sometimes issue invitations or solicitations for auditors and/or readers to adopt a certain perspective for reading or listening. . . . Jasinksi (1992) described how The Federalist Papers constructed a vision of an impartia l and candid audience that contained specific prescriptions for how the real audience should evaluate the arguments being addressed during the constitutional ratification debate.(James Jasinski, Sourcebook on Rhetoric. Sage, 2001) Every reading of an argument yields an implied audience, and by this, I mean the audience on whom the claim is understood to be made and in terms of which the argumentation is supposed to develop. In a charitable reading, this implied audience is also the audience for whom the argument is persuasive, the audience which allows itself to be influenced by reasoning.(James Crosswhite, The Rhetoric of Reason: Writing and the Attractions of Argument. University of Wisconsin Press, 1996)Readers and Mock ReadersI am arguing . . . that there are two readers distinguishable in every literary experience. First, there is the real individual upon whose crossed knee rests the open volume, and whose personality is as complex and ultimately inexpressible as any dead poets. Second, there is the fictitious readerI shall call him the mock reader whose mask and costume the individual takes on in order to experience the language. The mock reader is an artifact, controlled, simplified, abstracted out of t he chaos of day-to-day sensation.The mock reader can probably be identified most obviously in subliterary genres crudely committed to persuasions, such as advertising and propaganda. We resist the blandishments of the copywriter just in so far as we refuse to become the mock reader his language invites us to become. Recognition of a violent disparity between ourself as mock reader and ourself as real person acting in a real world is the process by which we keep our money in our pockets. Does your toupee collect moths? asks the toupee manufacturer, and we answer, Certainly not! My hairs my own. Youre not talking to me, old boy; Im wise to you. Of course, we are not always so wise.(Walker Gibson, Authors, Speakers, Readers, and Mock Readers. College English, February 1950) Real and Implied ReadersIn Wayne Booths terms, the implied author of a text is the creator of an implied reader. But one does not need to agree with Booths conclusion that the most successful reading is the one in which the created selves, author, and reader, can find complete agreement (Rhetoric of Fiction). On the contrary, the pleasure of the text may arise from the readers refusal to play the role sketched out by the implied author. Viewed in this way, the rhetorical drama of the essay resides in the conflict between the conceptions of self and world that the reader brings to a text and the conceptions that the persona attempts to arouse.(Richard Nordquist, Voices of the Modern Essay. University of Georgia, 1991)

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Development Is Impossible Without Industrialisation Essay

Development Is Impossible Without Industrialisation - Essay Example This paper will critically examine the statement that development is impossible without industrialization. Development has been defined as the process of acquiring and securing the freedoms that we have reasons to value. They make our life richer and allow us to be fuller social persons (Amartya Sen cited by Oden 2001). Development is a complex multidimensional process which cannot be addressed by economic growth alone. It must be approached with a dynamic perspective and the process of development is not the province of one nation. Nations have to cooperate and coordinate with one another. In Africa a large number of people fall below the extreme poverty line, which affects income, education and health. Unless the problem of poverty is resolved, no development can take place. This requires effective sustainable development which translates into jobs creation, education and health amenities. Sustainable development requires efficient, established and regular institutions and processes but most importantly it requires efficient industrial sectors. History provides sufficient evidence that industrial civilization brought about sustained prosperity. The Industrial Revolution brought all the development goals set forth at the UN Conference - clean water and sanitation, the elimination of disease, plentiful food (Tracinski, 2002). Industrial capitalism could make man’s physical environment healthier. Nations with large populations demonstrate a marked transformation and higher income growth. Development may vary across nations and may also vary over time, but development is impossible without industrialization. Nations benefit when they step into industrialization. Virtually every country that has experienced rapid growth in productivity and changes in life style over the last two hundred years has done so by industrializing (Murphy, Shleifer, & Vishny, 1998). Countries like

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 65

Case Study - Essay Example BMC started out in 1978. BMC uses state of art machines to make the stampings. The process allows for efficient developing large volumes of stamping. The process also allowed the stampings to be of high quality. As the years passed, a lot of technological advancements were experienced. The technological changes changed the way BMC customers interacted with the company. Many customers shifted into the just in time manufacturing. The BMC technological department was affected by these changes. The company’s production schedules and inventory management were affected. BMC had to make some changes to their technical sector. CAD/CAM capabilities, a homegrown scheduling spreadsheet and financial applications, were added to their functions. All this was added to cope with the changes experienced in the technology sector. In 1989, a commercial off the shelf scheduling was purchased (COTS). The package implementation was, however, unsuccessful. The company purchased other COTS scheduling package in 1991. The package implementation also failed. A new manager recommended the development of a mini-computer based system. The internal system solved the issues of processing schedules and inventory. The company experienced other problems. The company flooded with many requests from customers. The major problem that faced the company was coming up with a solution that can handle the many requests that flooded the systems. The problem with the system not handling all the requests leads to customer dissatisfaction. Customer dissatisfaction would make the company lose it, customers. It would limit the company’s productivity. The system should also address the previous problems of production scheduling and inventory management. The company has a choice of purchasing a COTS package from Effective Management Systems. The COTS software costs $220,000 upfront and yearly maintenance contracts for $55,000 per year. EMS will allow limited

Monday, November 18, 2019

The Evolution of Walking Upright Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

The Evolution of Walking Upright - Essay Example However, later scientific evidence clearly suggested that it may not be the case as evolution of walking upright has a history before the full human brain actually evolved. (Wheeler,62) It is critical to note that walking upright has not happened over the night and there were important physiological changes which occurred over the period of time. Available evidence suggests that there are important and critical differences between the physiology of the spines of apes and humans. It is this change especially in the physiology of spines of apes and humans which distinguishes them from each other. It was also this change which allowed humans to walk upright as compared to how apes walk. (Hunt) Physiology of Ape Scientific evidence suggests that early humans were either apes and evolved over the period of time to become humans or used some of the characteristics of apes. The early evidence that the humans actually used the ape like traits indicates that humans might have used four feet t o actually move from one place to another. However, as the time passed by, humans developed the ability to walk upright suggesting a change or transition in the physiology of apes to suit to the human needs. Some of the early evidence do suggests that the apes were bipedal in nature too however, their ability to walk on four feet was limited in nature. Apes cannot walk for longer distances on their two legs thus making it relatively impossible for them to use two legs for covering greater distances. This ability therefore was restricted due to the overall physiology of their spines and how it differed from that of the humans as evolution took place. Though the apes can still walk on two legs however, to become... This report approves that walking upright is considered as the primary and fundamental difference between humans and other animals. This tendency to walk upright however, has evolved over the period of time as humans are believes to be belonging to the same species as that of chimpanzees and gorillas. It is important to note that humans developed this tendency due to the changes in the physiology of their spines as spine of humans is relatively different from that of the spine of other animals. The human spine is relatively upright and supports its natural organs while at the same time supporting humans to walk easily. Human spine is joined with the head from the back whereas the spine of apes is joined from the back. The curve in the spines of apes allows them to carry weight however, restrict their movement. This essay makes a conclusion that one of the important theories of how humans developed the ability to walk upright is called Savannah theory. This theory suggests that humans developed this tendency because the climate change forced them to come down from trees. The global warming as well as cooling reduced the number of forests therefore humans have to come down the trees to survive. The author of the paper talks that this theory however, has been challenged by recent evidence which suggests that walking upright on two feet was made possible because of the difficulty faced by the humans to navigate the difficult terrain of East and South Africa. Further, walking upright conserves the energy thus allowing humans to walk longer distances with relative ease and less energy.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Leadership And Management In Public Relations Management Essay

Leadership And Management In Public Relations Management Essay The art and social science of analyzing trends, predicting their consequences, counseling organizational leaders and implementing planned programs of action, which will serve both the organization and the public interest. (Asch and Solomon 1946) Public relations aim primarily to provide a communication between an organization and its users. It is one of the most important business functions as for any organization. It is essential to continually check its reputation in the market that it caters. Moreover, with the present climate of global extensions that majority of the modern day businesses practice, it is essential that the organization keeps touch with what it wants to portray to the consumers so that expectations from the organization is likewise. Public Relation is used to build rapport with  employees, customers, investors, voters or the general public.  Almost any organization that indulges itself in being portrayed in the public environment employs some level of public relations. Public relation is not limited to simply increasing awareness about an organization. It deals with other complex functions of checking and monitoring the reactions of its actions( Ahluwalia et al 2000). This illustrates what the organization reflects to its market hence aiding in deciding the next course of action as and when required. Publicity is one of the major tools for Public relations. Most; if not all, PR campaigns invest heavily for publicity. Publicity involves spreading of information for a product, person, service, cause or organization to gain public awareness. Publicity helps in effective PR planning and is one of the most viral methods adopted by any PR for an organisation. In present times, professionals commonly use technology as their main tool to get across their messages to target audiences (Collins et al, 1975). Traditionally, one of the oldest tools used by public relations professionals is a press/media kit. It is usually a collection of promotional materials for the purpose of circulation. These provide information about an event, organization, business, or even a person. Information also includes, fact sheets, press releases (or media releases), media alerts, brochures, newsletters, photographs with captions, copies of any media clips, and social mediums. In recent times, most organizations may have a website with a link which usually updates the message that is required to be communicated for the purpose of communication. Online version of such news is one of the essentials that is adopted in recent times. Other widely-used tools include brochures, newsletters and annual reports. (Basuroy et al 2003) In the recent times, technological uses of social networks, blogs, and even internet radio public relations professionals facilitate to directly send messages through their respective mediums. Methods are used to find out the reaction of the audience in the current market. Inquiring into the favorable appeals of the target audiences extensively include the use of surveys, conducting research or even focus groups. Various tactics are undertaken to attract target audiences by using the information gathered. This is then directed as a message to them using tools such as social or other popular mediums.`(Burrough and Bryan,2006) Increasingly, companies are utilizing interactive social networking options, such as media blogs, Twitter and Facebook, as tools in promotion for the PR campaigns. This can be credited to the fact that unlike the traditional tools, social media outlets enable the organization to engage in two-way communication, and receive relatively quicker feedbacks hence efficiently aiding in making accurate decisions. Reciprocal nature of communications Extracted from Effective Public Relations by Cutlip(2010) The above figure illustrates, communication is a reciprocal process of exchanging signals to inform, instruct, or persuade, based on shared meanings and conditioned by the communicators relationship and the social context. (Godes, 2004) NEGATIVE PUBLIC RELATIONS: Negative Public relation occurs under circumstances and situation when the message sent across to the public by the organization is seen not coherent to what it portrays. It may be expressed as that process which threatens the reputation and corporate identity of an organization due to improbable actions that leads to unlikely situations and circumstances. (Eliasberg et al 1997) However, this phenomenon can be either intentional i:e. (by an external source such as a competitor) or unintentional (inadequate research of an expected reaction or poor internal communications ). (Hueng et al,1982) Owing to the nature of this report, the researcher has chosen to consider only the unfavorable public relations for this study and thus Black public relations shall only be mentioned once. Thereafter, steps to deal only with unfavorable public relations shall be included for further part of this work. Intentional Negative Public Relations It indicates in context to incidences which are carried about by third party source with intention to tarnish the reputation of a targeted organization, these kind of intentional negative PR strategies are also known as Black Public Relations (James and Caryn 2006). It involves gathering information using high level of industrial espionage and competitive intelligence to uncover the targeted company secrets that are unfavorable to the organizations stakeholders (Hueng et al,1982). The only objective of such practices is to strategically disturb the channels and messages of communication between the organization and its shareholders. This kind of negative public relation is an unethical business practice yet it is been widely used against business rivals. (Grossmen et al1984) Unintentional Negative PR / Unfavorable Public relations. This is an occurrence under circumstances when an organization is facing a public challenge to its reputation. Generally these challenges may come in the following forms:- An investigation from a government agency. A criminal allegation. A media inquiry. A shareholders lawsuit A violation of environmental regulations Finally a violation in a number of other scenarios involving the legal,  ethical and / or  financial factors (Godes et al 2004). The above are challenges that an organization faces which may lead to an unfavorable Public relations situation for an organization. However, most of them can be contained almost immediately if handled with urgency. Generally, source of a negative Public relation is born out of mismanaged crises situation in an organization. Crisis communication is of utmost importance to contain any such unlikely circumstances. If efficiently handled, crisis communication can become the best defense against any issue turning into a fully blow catastrophe. An illustration to explain the above can be found in the case of Johnson Johnson. In 1982, after cyanide was discovered in some capsules of a JJ product Tylenol, J and J immediately announced a recall of an estimated stock of about a hundred million in circulation in its domestic market of the United States and other foreign market (Berger,2005). This decision of Johnson Johnson, to cooperate fully with the media, earned it lots of praises for its business principle of being socially responsible. The resultant was that the company received additional positive press coverage when it subsequently introduced its new tamper-resistant packaging. Similarly In March 2005, a woman bit into a finger while eating chili at Wendys. Wendys responded promptly and shut down that location. This was followed by carefully discarding all the other chilli that was dated as the controversial stock. The location was reopened only after a thorough investigation of the rest of the stocks.This crisis could have damaged Wendys image, but owing to it responding properly and appropriately, very little damage was observed to their image (Berger,2005). These are two of the few examples which illustrate efficient crisis management procedures despite not being in control the negative PR at the initial stages of the crisis. Johnson Johnson was able to gain positive publicity for the prompt decision making and was thus able to contain the situation before it went out of proportion. Conversely, many other organisations have shown lack in managing a crisis situation and have suffered for the same. Source Perrier is an example of such an organization that was unable to overcome negative publicity when its top management displayed poor crisis-management. Traces of benzene were found in the companys bottled water in 1990, however the company assured the public that it was only contained to bottles in North America. During the same time, scientists found traces of benzene in its bottled water which was being sold in Europe. This time, the management blamed it upon a contaminated filtering system an reassured that it was being tackled with utmost urgency. Never the less, media had then sampled the brands water from all its prevalent market and discovered that the situation had been persistent for a longer period of time and that the benzene laced product had been selling all around the world. The media questioned Perriers integrity and concern for public safety, and the company lost its dominant position in the marketplace; it has been unable to rebuild its reputation (Bogart and D ave 2001). The available literature on the source of negative PR is not coherently conclusive as different researchers have difference in the scope and width with regard to their view about the causes of unavoidable PR. Lerbinger (1997), attributes two causes i:e. management failure and environmental forces. He categorizes the two into eight categories of crisis situations which are as follows: Natural- for example Asian Tsunami which affected everything alike i:e. nations, government, corporations, businesses and so on. Technological- Mercedes A class had design faults thus had to roll over Confrontation- Shell Oil wanted to sink an oil platform into the North Sea and thus its petrol stations faced a consumer boycott. Malevolence-product tampering by private citizens, as in the case of Tylenol capsules of Johnson and Johnson Skewed Management- Barings Bank went out of business when the bank management was accused of turning a blind eye towards rouge trader Nick Leason. Deception Management misconduct- Enron Power Business and economic- Economic turmoil affecting businesses, hence organizations unable to live to the promise. (Lerbinger 1997) FEARN-BANKS FIVE STAGE OF CRISIS STAGE 1 Detection The organization is watching for warning signs STAGE 2 Preparation/prevention The organization takes notes of the warning signs and prepares plans proactively to avoid crisis, or reactive one to cope with the crisis if it is come. STAGE 3 Containment Taking Steps to limit the length of the crisis or its affects. STAGE 4 Recovery At this step, efforts are made to get back to normal operational conditions or effectiveness of an organization STAGE 5 Learning This is when the Organization reflects and evaluates the experience to consider the negative impacts for the organization and any possible benefits for the future. Fearns- Banks(2006), are amongst the school of thoughts that attribute Negative Public relation wholly to mismanaged crisis situation. In the table above, are the five stages of a business crises outlined that explain the steps to be ensured during different stages of a crisis. If attended to, the crisis management should be efficient and thus save the organization any unwanted harm to its reputation The most important efficient way of dealing with unfavorable public relation can be found in practicing crisis communication (Lerbinger 1997). Crisis communication aims at assisting an organisation to sustain continuity in the critical business processes. These business processes can be any information flowing during critical situations, natural calamities or event driven circumstances. The most commonly know five steps that must be ensured in situations threatening the PR of an organization may be best explained as the following Firstly, the corporation in crisis should be prompt and act accordingly. This can be achieved by addressing the public immediately following the discovery of the situation. Secondly, the corporation in question must maintain honesty as it is obliged to be completely truthful no matter what the consequences from the public may be. Thirdly, the corporation should be informative. This would require them to provide facts that are coherent with the situation and restrain speculation under any circumstance. The other reason for this step is to also assure that public does not create its own rumor as rumors might cause more damage to the organization as compared to the already worsened circumstance(Lerbinger 1997). Next, it is important to be socially concerned and illustrate efforts of improvement to the public. This would reflect on the business as being socially responsible hence improving chances of faster recovery from the damage incurred. Finally, maintaining two-way relationships. It is very essential as the corporation get response from the public hence increasing the chances of being accepted to do business with. More so, as this kind of communication shall project to the corporation directly about what is expected from them in the near future. These steps are essential in order to manage any crucial PR circumstances (Norton et al 2007). Quick response is the key to any negative publicity. Efficient and effective crisis communication strategy diagnosed in a premeditated manner can provide most of the solutions to problems relating to negative publicity. In this global and dynamic business world, technology can be effectively harnessed for communicating to the people about a rapid response to the issue. not only can this save the organizational reputation but also it can prevent any unlikely circumstances. Ensuring a co-ordinated response provides a stronger foundation to tackle tricky situations and in turn can result into a potential advantage to a range of potentially crippling  scenarios. A well thought out and executed plan shall reflect strongly upon the management of the organsation hence, bringing some more goodwill amongst the users. Timing of responding is a critical factor as the longer the lag, higher the chances of a considerable losses to company revenue and reputation (Reinstein et al 2005). An Effectiive crisis communication strategy will typically consider achieving most of the following objectives: Maintain connectivity Be readily accessible to the news media Show empathy for the people involved Allow distributed access Streamline communication processes Maintain information security Ensure uninterrupted audit trails Deliver high volume communications Support multi-channel communications Remove dependencies on paper based processes (Norton et al 2007) Crisis communication can play a significant role by transforming an unexpected situation into a competitive gain. The only essential requirement is respond accordingly and immediately to the urgent situation. CONCLUSION This study is an attempt at understanding the concept of Public relations and investigates into the causes and sources of negative Public relations. In a theoretical context, literature on negative Public relation shows a very distorted view amongst the researchers as it lacks clarity in its core concept of whether is it a result of mis communicated Public message or is it a concept of deliberately damaging a organizations reputation owing to competition rivalry. However, all of these views are coherent on the thought that quick response to the critical situations can effectively deal with the arising unfavourable circumstances. Efficient and effective crisis communication strategy diagnosed in a premeditated manner can provide most of the solutions to problems relating to negative publicity. Source of a negative Public relation is born out of mismanaged crises situation in an organization. Crisis communication is of utmost importance to contain any such unlikely circumstances. If efficiently handled, crisis communication can become the best defense against any issue arising in the organization. Ensuring a co-ordinated response provides a stronger foundation to tackle tricky situations and in turn can result into a potential advantage to a range of potentially crippling  scenarios. A well thought out and executed plan shall reflect strongly upon the management of the organsation hence, bringing some more goodwill amongst the users. Timing of responding is a critical factor as the longer the lag, higher the chances of a considerable losses to company revenue and reputation. Public relation also deals with complex functions of checking and monitoring the reactions of its actions as this illustrates what the organization reflects to its market. Thus regular contact with the public over the underlying issues provides better deciding power for the next course of action as and when required. Technology needs to be exploited the most in critical situations, in this modern day of vast technological choice, communication with the public is easier and cheaper than in the past Thus along with the prior mentioned five steps technological advantages should be used at it optimum to properly manage a crisis can as well as the six types of responses continue to be at the foundation of any crisis public relations.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Gender and Sexuality Essay -- Sociology, Gender Roles, Stereotypes

Gender and sexuality can be comprehended through social science. Social science is â€Å"the study of human society and of individual relationships in and to society† (free dictionary, 2009). The study of social science deals with different aspects of society such as politics, economics, and the social aspects of society. Gender identity is closely interlinked with social science as it is based on an identity of an individual in the society. Sexuality is â€Å"the condition of being characterized and distinguished by sex† (free dictionary, 2009). There are different gender identities such as male, female, gay, lesbian, transgender, and bisexual that exists all around the world. There is inequality in gender identities and dominance of a male regardless of which sexuality they fall under. The males are superior over the females and gays superior over the lesbians, however it different depending on the place and circumstances. This paper will look at the gender roles and stereotypes, social policy, and homosexuality from a modern and a traditional society perspective. The three different areas will be compared by the two different societies to understand how much changes has occurred and whether or not anything has really changed. In general a traditional society is more conservative where as a modern society is fundamentally liberal. This is to say that a traditional society lists certain roles depending on the gender and there are stereotypes that are connected with the genders. One must obey the one that is dominant and make decisions. On the other hand, a modern society is lenient, It accepts the individual’s identity and sexuality. There is no inequality and everyone in the society is to be seen as individuals not a part of a family unit... ...dual changes are closely related to the media because the actors carry out the roles and thus the members of the society play out those roles in their daily life style. â€Å"Homosexuality exists in different societies and cultures and with some minor exceptions it is considered abnormal and disdained. It affects social order, invades personal privacy and rights, and leads to criminal behaviour. As a result, homosexuals are more likely to encounter and be penalized administratively and criminally† (Likosky, 1992, pp. 38) Also, the two societies view homosexuality different. Nevertheless modern society has not completely accepted the idea of homosexuality because in areas such as legal forms, the people with nonconventional sexual orientation are not shown. This demonstrates the inferiority of homosexuality and for which the government is responsible for such actions.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Resumen Future of Management

UNIVERSIDAD DEL PACIFICO TRABAJO FINAL DE GERENCIA ALUMNO: FREDDY ALEMAN QUIROZ TEMA: OPINION SOBRE â€Å"THE FUTURE OF MANAGEMENT† EL FUTURO DE LA GESTION Desde hace varios anos existe gran demanda de los libros sobre administracion, liderazgo, innovacion, etc. es decir de los libros sobre negocios, todos ellos reflejan un gran optimismo y te dicen como llegar al exito, los best seller sobre este tema siempre tratan sobre experiencias de empresas exitosas bajo la idea de que cualquiera puede lograrlo, pero todos son generales despues de la batalla y escriben libros para contar sus hazanas( su modelo de negocio) en el que cada uno nos cuenta su experiencia, pero definitivamente nunca nos cuentan todo. Gary Hamel es uno de esos escritores que han llamado la atencion desde hace anos, (graduado de la Universidad de Andrews y la Roos School of Business de la Universidad de Michigan, es el fundador de Strategos, una empresa internacional de consultoria de gestion), es uno de los mas exitosos escritores sobre negocios. Es asi que en la Maestria en Administracion de la Universidad del Pacifico, en el afan de introducirnos dentro de las mas actuales tendencias sobre administracion llega a nuestras mentes la ultima publicacion de este â€Å"guru de la estrategia en el mundo†(The Economist), †el innovador sin par de la gerencia en el mundo†(Fortune) con su libro â€Å"The Future of Management†, en el cual nos explica en su primera parte que parece que la administracion como ciencia ha alcanzado su maximo desarrollo y que a lo largo de estos anos ya hemos dominado, en cierta forma, la ciencia de organizar personas, asignar recursos, establecer y definir planes y objetivos, minimizar los errores de procedimientos y que la administracion posiblemente ya haya resuelto sus problemas mas dificiles, y es por eso que se pregunta cual es el futuro de esta ciencia, dice que ha habido poca innovacion en la administracion y la direccion de empresas en los ultimos 20 o 30 anos. Pero Hamel nos dice que esto no es cierto y que a pesar de sus indiscutibles logros hasta ahora, tales como superar complicados problemas triunfando en dividir tareas complejas en pequenos y repetitivos pasos, en que se cumplan y se hagan procesos operativos estandarizados, en medir costos y beneficios hasta el ultimo sol, en coordinar los esfuerzos de miles de trabajadores y en sincronizar operaciones a escala global. Sin embargo hace tambien que las personas se ajusten a las reglas desperdiciando grandes cantidades de imaginacion e iniciativa humana, es por eso que la administracion moderna nos ha legado una serie de dificiles preguntas, que complican disyuntivas que necesitan de un pensamiento muy audaz y nuevos enfoques porque ahora tenemos nuevos problemas, dificultades y dilemas que ponen en evidencia los limites de nuestros actuales y desgastados sistemas y procesos administrativos, y que si bien a originado la multiplicacion del poder adquisitivo de los consumidores de todo el mundo, al mismo tiempo a esclavizado a millones en empresas casi feudales; ha ayudado a que los negocios sean mas eficientes, pero pone en peligro la adaptacion organizacional. Entonces, mientras en la practica la administracion no esta evolucionando a la velocidad que una vez lo hizo, el futuro de los negocios en el siglo XXI no puede ser mas volatil, por eso Hamel nos muestra una cantidad de nuevos retos administrat ivos: †¢ En el entorno cambiante en que vivimos el liderazgo del mercado cambia constantemente de manos y las ventajas competitivas se reducen mas rapido que antes. Las desregulacion, junto con los efectos de la nueva tecnologia estan reduciendo dramaticamente las barreras de entrada en muchas industrias, lo que origina que los oligopolios se esten rompiendo y que la competencia esta incrementandose anarquicamente. †¢ El Internet esta pasando el poder de negociacion de productores a consumidores, antes las companias se aprovechaban de la lealtad de los clientes y les vendian casi cualquier cosa, hoy en dia los clientes saben exigir calidad y no hay espacio para productos o servicios mediocres. †¢ Los ciclos de vida de las estrategias se estan reduciendo. †¢ La baja de los costos de comunicacion y globalizacion estan abriendo competidores con costos ultra-bajos. Ante estos nuevos retos se necesitan nuevas capacidades organizacionales y administrativas, por eso las companias deben adaptarse mas rapidamente en sus estrategias y ser igual de eficientes, tienen que volverse pioneros de las innovaciones y deben saber como inspirar a sus trabajadores para que den lo mejor de si mismos todos los dias. Pero esto no es nada facil, estamos metidos en nuestro paradigma administrativo, el cual esta centrado en la eficiencia y en la burocracia (Taylor y Weber) que es el principio organizativo de casi todas las empresas del mundo. Por eso es necesaria una completa revolucion, hay que pensar hacia delante, hay que imaginar primero y despues inventar el futuro de la administracion. La segunda parte del libro nos dice que debemos reinventar la administracion mediante la innovacion administrativa que es la que nos va a dar poder para crear cambios dramaticos y duraderos y sobretodo producira beneficios. Pero ? Que es la innovacion administrativa? Es â€Å"cualquier cosa que substancialmente cambia la manera en la que el trabajo de administrar es llevado, y que modifica significativamente las formas habituales de la administracion adelantando las metas organizacionales† Pero lo explica de varias formas: â€Å"las innovaciones administrativas tambien comprenden cambios que crean valor para las estructuras organizacionales y para los papeles que desempenan las personas† como ejemplo podemos decir que las empresas consisten de unidades de negocios, departamentos, trabajadores, proveedores, socios y consumidores, por lo tanto una nueva forma de conectar todo esto puede constituir una innovacion administrativa. Ojo que es diferente a una innovacion operacional que se concentra en los procedimientos de negocio de una compania (compras, marketing, servicio al cliente, etc. ), las innovaciones administrativas se enfocan en los procesos administrativos de una empresa, es decir las formas y rutinas que determinan como el t rabajo administrativo es hecho dia a dia. Asimismo nos muestra como empresas lideres como General Electric, Procter & Gamble, y Toyota, alcanzaron el exito no solamente gracias a buenos productos, ejecucion disciplinada y buena vision, sino que fue la innovacion administrativa la que los llevo a la grandeza: †¢ General Electric uso la disciplina administrativa en el descubrimiento cientifico, es decir, organizo sus laboratorios y GE fue la que gano mas patentes que cualquier compania en la primera mitad del siglo XX . †¢ Procter & Gamble en la decada de los 30s creo las marcas haciendo la novedad de crear valor de los activos intangibles. A partir de alli P&G a crecido en base a la creacion y administracion de grandes marcas. †¢ Toyota es el fabricante de automoviles mas rentable del mundo y gran parte de su exito se baso en su sistema â€Å"de gente pensante† para olucionar problemas complejos por ideas de mejoras de empleados ordinarios. Siendo entonces la innovacion administrativa tan importante ? co mo exactamente estas crean ventajas competitivas? , La respuesta es que las innovaciones administrativas tienden a dar ventajas competitivas cuando se satisfacen una o mas de estas tres condiciones: †¢ La innovacion esta basada en un principio de administracion nuevo que reta a uno que esta desde antes. †¢ La innovacion es sistemica, abarcando un rango de procesos y metodos. †¢ La innovacion es parte de un programa de invencion, que existe actualmente y en el que el progreso se acumula alo largo del tiempo. Las innovaciones pueden ser de diferentes maneras: (en orden de importancia de arriba hacia abajo, en base a los niveles de creacion de valor): †¢ Innovacion Administrativa †¢ Innovacion estrategica †¢ Innovacion en el producto o servicio †¢ Innovacion operativa Ahora, hay que hacer la salvedad de que no toda innovacion administrativa crea una ventaja competitiva, ademas ningun descubrimiento administrativo significativo, no importa que tan audaz o bien ejecutado este, va a darnos ventajas competitivas para siempre, es por todo esto que los gerentes son muy escepticos respecto a las innovaciones ya que son, en su mayoria personas pragmaticas, que no imaginan y que se quedan realizando una y otra vez lo que dice la teoria. Despues de todo lo dicho, Hamel nos muestra un modelo de programa de accion para la Innovacion Administrativa. , basandose en una serie de preguntas que pueden ser utiles para identificar primero la necesidad de una innovacion ( se plantean problemas principales y sugiere solucionarlos con el metodo de Descartes) y luego plantea los siguientes retos respecto a la administracion del futuro: †¢ Acelerar dramaticamente el paso de la renovacion estrategica en organizaciones grandes y pequenas †¢ Hacer de la innovacion un trabajo de todos, todos los dias. †¢ Crear un ambiente laborar altamente atractivo que inspire a los empleados para que den lo mejor de si. Reitero que esto es muy dificil de lograr, pero hacerlo sera grandioso ademas, si tal como hemos visto que las empresas lideres han logrado progresar y tener beneficios de una y muchas innovaciones administrativas, sera mediante la constante innovacion que seguiran en el mercado. Es en esta parte en que Gary Hamel despues de darnos todo su punto de vista, dice que el objeto de este libro no es determinar el futuro de la administracion y la direccion de empresas, sino a ayudar a los lectores que lo inventen, por lo tanto nos deja una tarea muy grande, pero a medida que la hagamos obtendremos el exito y beneficios para nuestras empresas. FREDDY ALEMAN QUIROZ

Friday, November 8, 2019


Innuendo Innuendo Innuendo By Maeve Maddox The word innuendo derives from a Latin verb meaning â€Å"to nod to, to signify.† As a legal term in the Middle Ages, innuendo was used to introduce the explanation of a word that was previously uncertain. For example, in modern conversation, we often find ourselves explaining an ambiguous pronoun: â€Å"Mary and Gilda went to the fair. She–I mean Mary–paid for the food.† A medieval lawyer might have said, â€Å"Mary and Gilda went to the fair. She–innuendo Mary–paid for the food.† From being used to clarify, the noun innuendo has come to be used as a way to imply a thought without explicitly stating it: innuendo (noun): An oblique hint, indirect suggestion; an allusive remark concerning a person or thing, esp. one of a depreciatory kind. Here are some examples of current use: Obeng (1997) defines specific categories of verbal indirectness, such as evasion, innuendo, circumlocution, and metaphor. They seldom spoke and when they did they were always surrounded by family or friends, their conversations  sprinkled with innuendo  that only they understood. However, the protagonists’  innuendo-sprinkled  banter was also laced with sanctimonious, self-righteous platitudes about the senselessness of war. The site is a nonpartisan site that brings the sexist innuendo of political rhetoric into the open. The innuendo of political rhetoric has acquired a specialized term: â€Å"dog-whistle politics.† George F. Knox of the Center for Professionalism and Ethics at the Florida International University Law School explains dog-whistle politics this way: it’s like dog whistles – the pitch is beyond the  capacity of human beings to hear. But the dogs can hear. And so it is with innuendo. Only the people who have a connection with it can recognize it. Like any rhetorical device, innuendo may be used to enrich expression or to manipulate meaning. Similar terms for ideas hinted at but not stated: Verbs insinuate imply hint suggest Nouns insinuation implication hint suggestion Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:12 Types of LanguageUsed To vs. Use ToHyphenation in Compound Nouns

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Environmental factors include technology, government, the economy and societal values and behavior. The WritePass Journal

Environmental factors include technology, government, the economy and societal values and behavior. INTRODUCTION Environmental factors include technology, government, the economy and societal values and behavior. INTRODUCTIONCOMPANY OVERVIEWPRE -CHANGE CONDITIONSAREAS TO BE CHANGEDIMPORTANCE OF CHANGEFORCES FOR CHANGE  CHALLENGES MAJOR CHANGES IN SYSTEMRESULTS EXPECTED FROM CHANGEIMPACT OF CHANGERECOMMENDATIONSCONCLUSION  Related INTRODUCTION According to Daft (1994), managers sense a need for change when they perceive a performance gap, that is, a disparity between existing and desired levels of performance. It seems a somewhat narrow definition in that it implies that all change is planned and positive and seems to ignore the possibility of unplanned and potentially negative change for example, unexpected budget cuts. This said, most change is planned, is intended to be positive and arises from the need to respond to new challenges and opportunities (Mullins, 1996). Organizational change may be incremental (linear) or radical (discontinuous). It may be a reactive response to external, environmental factors or generated proactively in anticipation of future trends (Hamel, 1998). Both, however, are a response to how an organization perceives its current or future environment. Indeed, one can detect a Darwinian adapt or die thread running though many authors interpretations (Goble, 1997; Hamel, 1998; St Clair, 1996), a concept summed up pithily by Handy (1993, p.291) with change is a necessary condition of survival. Environmental factors include technology, government, the economy and societal values and behavior. For instance, in recent years, LIS have had to adapt to the rapid development of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) and the Labor governments plans for national computer networks in public libraries and schools. As Goble (1997) notes, they also face competition from external providers in an increasingly commercialized information services market where there is rapid price inflation for both printed and electronic sources, adding pressure to already tight budgets. Further, in a service economy, consumers have become more demanding and, lastly, the composition of the workforce is changing, with an ageing population, more women, plus more part-timers and job sharing (Mullins, 1996). In response to, or in anticipation of such factors, organizations may initiate change. This can incorporate both structure (hierarchy and division of work) and culture (how things are done values and norms), and such change may involve, amongst other things, costs, job design, staff development and training, working conditions and new services or products (Cornell, 1996). Implementing such changes is not easy. Likert, in Cornell, (1996) identifies three styles of managing change: authoritative (imposed by management); consultative (discussed with staff but still decided by management) and participative (involving staff in decision- making). Further, Lewins widely cited model breaks the management of change into three phases. First, unfreezing – diagnosing problems and an awareness of the need to change. Second, changing – the breaking of old habits and adoption of new skills and behaviour and third, refreezing evaluating and consolidating the changes (Daft, 1994; Cava, 1990; Cornell, 1996; Mullins, 1996).    COMPANY OVERVIEW NetSol Technologies Inc. is the one of the leading corporations which offers business services and enterprise application solutions in the field of IT all over the world. It provides solutions to the customers according to their specifications. NetSol started its operation in 1995 and used BestShoringâ„ ¢ method to analyze the situation, develop high quality plan and implement the plan in a very cost effective manner. NetSol offers products, services, credit and finance portfolio systems, SAP consultancy, health care programs, integration of networks and global financial service at a minimum possible cost all over the world. As NetSol was granted certificate of ISO 9001, its commitment of the quality has been improved. It possesses such unique assets and capabilities which only very few companies possess in the world. Fortune 500, financial sectors, technology providers, automakers, public institutes and governments are included in NetSol customer base. It provides services with highest ethical values and uses its top down approach to impart this facility at the door step of the customer. It is known as expert in the field of IT all over the world with a good record it produces a cost effective solutions for the customers. It delivers services beyond expectations. It became first U.S Company which was dual listed by Nasdaq and Dubai International Financial in June 2008.Recelnty it provides consultancy to operate SAP soft- ware and other additional software to assist customers. All services include follow up training and consultancy to the customers.   It is the belief of NetSol to provide excellent solutions not only at present but also in future. It expects growth in the present as well as future and provides state of the art training today to develop leaders of tomorrow. PRE -CHANGE CONDITIONS NetSol was an organization with good reputation in the market and it acquired certificate on the CMML level 3 which was a big achievement for this organization. It had a very strong system and a good control over it but the control level improved. Every activity of the organization before and after the change was recoded and analyzed in proper way. Awareness regarding confidentiality of data has risen in this era. The current trend of change within the organizational culture is getting importance and it is vital for organizations to make changes accordingly. It is very difficult to persuade employees to bring changes because they always resist changes. In changes organization introduce some changes that directly affect on these people. It is the very complex task for the organizations to persuade their employees to accept the change and most of the time organizations receive positive response from them because employees realize the importance of change. NetSol had autocratic culture, tasks were assigned by top level management and bottom level had to follow these tasks according to requirement of the organization and with in the time frame declared by top management. When ISMS system took place it got easier for the employees had to work according to given procedures which were easy so employees got used to the procedures. AREAS TO BE CHANGED As information security management system (ISMS) at NetSol was not strong, it was difficult for NetSol to attract and retain customers. NetSol process that was used previously could not provide the better results that customers expected from the service. Especially its security standards were not up to need of foreign and domestic customers. Foreign customers demanded that NetSol should provide service that guarantees security which meant privacy of information must be protected for corporate customer. NetSol has larger customer base and financial sector accounts for majority of the customers. Therefore, there was extreme need that the financial transactions carried by customers in financial are completely secure. As the world of internet has expanded rapidly and crimes like cyber crime rose to international market so people were very conscious that their data must be protected. NetSol had to embark on providing secure service otherwise, its business would have seen huge decline in customers and eventually revenues. Financial services compete and survive on the promise of their security and reliability, so Net Sol had to take action to be in business and remain competitive. IMPORTANCE OF CHANGE Technological corporations such as NetSol dealing in finance services and information must have strong information security management system (ISMS).Otherwise, it will not be possible for them to attract and develop good customer base. In order to market its products and services it is essential for the NetSol to control the issue of information security because this issue of security in these companies can be matter of survival. ISO 27001:2005 also requires that security of customer information must be given utmost consideration and priority. There is clear procedures for employees how to work in information security management system (ISMS) and clear and straight forward methods useful not only for employees currently employed and working with system but also beneficial for future employees which also reduces the training needs of employee FORCES FOR CHANGE A few of the Factors that compelled NetSol to introduce and implement change are as follows: Fast pace growth in the technology of IT Tough competition observed in this industry Raising the productivity level of corporation because of the increasing demand and integration of information in the system required in this industry, Era of customization, customers are requiring products according to their specification Essential for the NeSol to capture maximum share of the market Assurance of customers’ information security   CHALLENGES Data secrecy, ensuring privacy of client, fool proof security at work place and adjusting new employees in company’s working environment were major challenges to the company. Company’s processes previously were not in way to ensure the security of the information. Due to lack of defined processes employees were not trained to meet security standards described by ISO 27001. MAJOR CHANGES IN SYSTEM Initially the company took steps to make changes in its each BPO division. NetSol launched a system known as Information Security Management System (ISMS). It was very reliable system meeting the needs of customer and requirement of rapid change in technology occurring with the passage of time. The initiative to introduce the system was taken in 2007 and approved   by all top manage   including the Chief Executive Officer, Managing Director, Chief Financial Officer and directors. The Information Security Management System (ISMS) contains many features such as it is set of policies (how this works and how it manages data, what are the techniques through which you can get better results), procedure (what way you can use it, how efficiently you can handle the data, in what way you can manage the data, how data can easily be accessed and how it can be stored), practices (what are the practical implication of this system, for what type of infrastructure this system has been developed, what is hard ware requirement of the system, what is the software specification of for the system, what type of environment is required to run this type of system, what type of training is required to operate this system), roles (how this system will assist in the organization, how it will add value in the organization), responsibilities (what tasks can be performed with the help of this system, how efficiently they can be performed, how it will facilitate to the employees of the organization), resources (things that are required to run this system, infra structure that is mandatory to run this system smoothly, ways through which this system can give desired results to the organization) and structures (how information flow from one system to other, how securely it flows from one personal computer to other personal computer). These all things are included in the information Security Management System (ISMS) to ameliorate its performance and to protect data of clients. In this system all those functions are included that are required by the customer as well as it is recommended by the International Standard Organization. According to ISO it contains all those functions that mitigate or eliminate the risks related to controlling and using particular information (ISO 27001:2005). This system has been developed according to specification provided by ISO and requirement of current market needs as it is made in accordance with ISO 27001 and fulfills all the required things and applicable in following four parts: Security that is directly related with the hard ware component of computer, security of the person using it even organizations that purchase this system and use it in operating their businesses. Information flowing from one computer to other is protected as well. As control of access to limited people to access it easily there must be a password that allows them to log in this system. RESULTS EXPECTED FROM CHANGE The ultimate purpose of change introduced by NetSol was providing customer better services and timely delivery and by introducing software which was need of the day to provide ultimate security and efficiency. NetSol is committed to designing such software that is useful to increase their productivity and efficiency which would increase profits of the company. Original target of NetSol is to fully implement the International Standard Organization requirements mentioned in ISO27001 so it was their target to achieve as it can get certification from ISO regarding this implementation. This is a very dynamic and rapidly changing industry, so it has to focus on business requirement, what actually its customers wants and how to improve quality of their system as it can give maximum satisfaction to the customer, so   all these   areas were targeted to change. The basic target is to achieve those goals in specified and limited time period and also these measure can be taken to evaluate whether company is attaining its target or not. It was their actual target to protect their system from versus and make a fool proof system that is essential to give a best solution to its customer. In order to ensure this facility they must keep employees up to date they can be aware of the security system and can keep an eye on these measures though this system is capable enough to keep data secure. IMPACT OF CHANGE NetSol Technologies introduced Total Quality Management (TQM0 system to deliver the desired results. It implemented pre defined and well defined procedure which the organization has to follow and move towards continuous improvement. It focuses on both professional developments of employees as well as improvement of work environment. Therefore, it has been successful to retain competent professionals in the company and has created such an environment that boosts innovation in products and services. The vision of NetSol Technologies is to be number one IT Solution Company in the mind of customers, employees, stakeholders, partners and competitors. The main focus of the company is to give customers data security assurance which is the first choice of the customers. RECOMMENDATIONS NetSol Technologies must continue the change process in their organization because it provides IT solutions to organizations which have automated information systems and their systems are heavily dependent on technology, so NetSol has to provide them with reliable and secure and sophisticated .NetSol faced difficulty because initially the system the provided and used could not perform according to expectations of customers. The main flaw was observed of that system, it could not provide data secrecy which was a big challenge for NetSol. At last it brought change and terraced out its fault, it brought changes in order to keep system secure and reliable. The main problem of IT technology is that it is volatile, its technology changes rapidly. On every day new and advanced systems and softwares are introduced in the market. It is very hard for the organization to maintain their business in this rapidly changing environment. It changes in both ways not only in hard ware but also in software. New and updated systems have to be introduced to remain competitive and offer customers up-to-date technology for their businesses. On the other hand it is facing some problems regarding the continuous development of new viruses threatening the security of the system. It creates problem for systems and it becomes very difficult to manage system. Though it has terraced out the solution, now its system is providing better results and NetSol capturing its customers but again there is a problem that it can not be the permanent solution because as it is discussed earlier it is rapidly changing industry so NetSol has to be conscious to respond to these i ssues rapidly and effectively to gain customer confidence and has to respond to other market changes accordingly. As NetSol is struggling in this industry so are its competitors due to the volatile nature of this industry. It is vital that NetSol Technologies keep an eye on the rapidly changing environment and design and offer products and service based on requirement of the technology market.    CONCLUSION   NetSol   improved   the quality   of its services, data security, so its management   can   now better plan the business continuity, incidents are well managed, all kinds of risk and threats are well assessed and managed, and lots of other benefits which are worthy to consider. The change has an impact on the whole services quality. Changed process has helped management better monitor whether services are smooth and secure enough to make customers satisfy customer demand. Now that the quality of services has improved, the fault rate has dramatically reduced and customer satisfaction has risen, customer loyalty has also risen and service quality has improved whilst cost has greatly reduced and return on investment has risen by 30%. Management and organizational change is effective only when the planned change has potential to improve companies’ competitiveness in the market and bring more success to the organization and help tackle challenges that organization is faced with. The organization should keep monitoring current situations and make changes only if it is felt necessary, as change in organization is a complex decision and has direct impact on the image of the organization. NetSol survived the toughest competition and challenges because change was properly planned and managed.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Cloning and Aggression among Sea Anemones Essay

Cloning and Aggression among Sea Anemones - Essay Example These clones rapidly spread out and form large aggregations of individuals exhibiting polymorphism. Individuals present in the center of clones are larger with gonads, and reproduce sexually. Individuals at the edge of the colony are smaller, with larger fighting tentacles (acrorhagi), being defensive in nature reproduce asexually. This division of labor allows individuals in the center to expend more energy on sexual reproduction and individuals on the edges of aggregations to expend their energy on developing large acrorhagi to fight the individuals of adjacent clones. Aggression is provoked when individuals on the circumference come into contact with genetically different clones. Acrorhagi, which are large projections loaded with nematysts located at the base of the tentacles, are used to sting, injure, and even kill members of the other clone. This inter-clonal fighting results in clear boundaries between adjacent aggregations. This aggressive behavior is fused on non-clone mates , as members of each clone can distinguish their own clone mates and do not attack them. Intraspecific competition of the inference sort has also been observed in experiments where two adjacent clones competed over the resource of space. The significance level for shore position, clonal/aclonal growth, and aggressiveness... Rare species were excluded for consistency and simply sharpen the focus of the present study. Study sites The samples were collected from two long north-south gradients extending from subarctic to subtropical latitudes.(Further details see L.Francis,1988,p.243) Assignment to categories The samples are categorized based on habitat, individual body size, clonal, aggressive nature. Statistical method The significance level for shore position, clonal/aclonal growth, and aggressiveness acting simultaneously is determined by using a multi-way G-test. In addition, Fisher's exact test with critical alpha levels corrected to compensate for multiple use of data is also used since some of the theoretically possible sets are though empty, is permissible, if conservative, to use [comparison wise error rate = 1 - ( 1 - )1/c, where c is the number of comparisons and is the desired level of confidence; Sidak, 1967, cited in SAS guide, 1985]. (For three sets of comparisons, a comparison wise error rate of 0.0165 is equivalent to an experimental error rate of 0.05.) Development of a model A geometric model is developed to predict the relative energy efficiency of interference as a function of increasing size: (1) for growth through isometric increase in size (simulated growth of an aclonal adult), and (2) for growth without increasing in height (simulated growth and spread of a compact, encrusting clone). Results Correlations From the observations, it was evident that overall distribution of species was uneven with respect to shore position, clonal/aclonal growth and aggressiveness. Tested separately, two of the three pair wise interactions were significant (for cloning vs. aggression and

Saturday, November 2, 2019

A paper for a play (Theatre appreciation) Essay

A paper for a play (Theatre appreciation) - Essay Example Produced in 1959, the play presaged the revolution in Black and women’s consciousness and the revolutionary torment in Africa that exploded in the years after Mrs. Hansberry’s death in 1965 to ineradicably change the consciousness and social fabric of the nation and the world. â€Å"As so many have commented lately, it did so in a manner and to an extent that few could have foreseen, for not only the restored material, but much else that passed unnoticed in the play at the time, speaks to issues that are now inescapable value systems of the black family; concepts of African American beauty and identity; class ad generational conflicts; the relationships of husbands and wives; black men and women; the outspoken feminism of the daughter; and in the penultimate scene between Beneatha and Asagai, the larger statement of the play and the ongoing struggle it portends† (Nerniroff, 1994) Although 1930 is the time Americans associate with the Great Depression, the Hansberry family remained economically stable and by 1930 standards of the Chicago blacks, they would have been considered â€Å"rich†. Hansberry was not comfortable with her â€Å"rich girl† status, but identified with the â€Å"children of the poor†. She imitated their maturity and independence. She decided to wear keys around her neck in imitation of the â€Å"latchkey† children of her day, so she too might be regarded as one of them. She never lived in a Younger household but observed such households closely in her childhood. In her plays as in â€Å"Raisin†, she has focused on the class of black people she cared most about. On the other hand, Lorraine’s father, Carl, remained politically active. He challenged a Supreme court decision against integration and won his right to purchase a house in an exclusive Chicago neighborhood where no other blacks lived. â€Å"Shortly afterward, Hansberry herself was nearly killed by a brick hurled through a window by angry whites. Hansberry